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Writer's pictureJoane Thompson

3 Easy Steps to Being Fit

Step 1: Building Habits

The first step to achieving your dream body is building habits. Whether it's waking up 6:00 am every morning, or coming to work 15 minutes early everyday, you must take the first step to building habits by making better choices. Too lazy to cook in the morning? Choose a simple meal that contains the main nutrition that you need. For example, boil 2 eggs and pack a fruit or 2 to take to work every morning: boiled eggs contains protein & fat, whereas fruits gives you carbs. Download an app to track your meals and maintain your fitness goals. People often mistaken dieting as starving themselves. This is not the case. Dieting in this sense simply means keeping track of the food you consume, and limiting foods that are high in fat or carbs, but still maintaining a balance between the 3 macros: carbs, fat, and protein. You don't have to cut off all sugar or swear off fries. Instead, make healthier choices when you're buying groceries, track your macros, and treat yourself to 2 meals a week with whatever you want. That way, you're still eating what you love and managing the types of food that goes into your body.

Step 2: Get Off the Couch

There's nothing that preventing you from going to the gym but yourself. Let me assure you one thing: you won't achieve the body that you want by staying on the couch. Everyone starts from somewhere. You don't have to start at a gym or your local fitness center. Instead, you can try different activities that are fun and help improve your overall strength and stamina such as swimming, any type of sports, running, etc. You can start slow, run 30 minutes every morning before or after work, and slowly build up from there. The most important thing is: get off your couch.

Step 3: Be Consistent

Don't expect to look better overnight. Before you can look good, you must be consistent. Hard work really does pay off. Instead of looking at this as something mandatory or a chore, you can incorporate exercising into your daily routine. For example, write down the list of food that you'll need for the week before going to the grocery, or whenever you reach for a snack, challenge yourself to do 10 push-ups every 30 calories you consume. Look at things from a different perspective and have fun doing it. Once you look good, I promise, you won't be able to stop feeling good.

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Image Source: UNSPLASH


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